Only lekhan to reach trinad api sunichena? - Nitai-Bhakti

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Only lekhan to reach trinad api sunichena?

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The proposition
Bhaktiratna Sadhu claims:
So that (duplicity after our falldown) can only be removed by trinad api sunichena (Sri Siksastakam) and that can only come by touching Nitai nama via lekhan.

I really don't like to disturb the faith of anybody in their specific gurus and their teachings.
But one thing I must say to defend the magnanimity of all processes of Nitai-Bhakti:
I'm sure, if "trinad api sunichena" can be reached only by lekhan, then Sri Gauranga and Sri Nityananda would be the first, who had discovered this process of bhakti as the only solution. But both preached especially the importance of constant (aparadha-free) chanting, even in the very same phrase! Nityananda Himself preached the chanting of Lord Gaurangas name.
Nitais name has in any way and under any circumstances the very same mercy-power. And this includes the elevation to this humble state of mind (trinad api sunichena).
The shastras are very tricky to bring the fallen souls closer to the Lord. Different processes are promoted as the best and the quickest way back to godhead. But taking shelter in Harinam (Nitainam) is for the dark Kali-yuga the best and it is declared as the Yuga-Dharma.
The holy name is always the important part and the center of all processes of bhakti. We give our attention to the holy name, not to the process itself.
For example: Doing vayulekhan with "New York", "India" or "Coca Cola" will never ever produce any attraction for Nitai or any other form of the Lord.
The secret and causeless mercy is only be found within the holy name!

This is the reason why Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur wrote in Navadvip Dham Mahatmya:
"When someone calls out the names of Nitai and Caitanya, Krishna-prema comes looking for him. Offenses do not hinder his progress, and he soon sheds tears of ecstasy out of pure love of God."
And Srila Prabhupada:
"Therefore whether one hears, chants, remembers or worships, his activities will yield the same result. Which one of these processes will be the most suitable for a particular devotee depends upon his taste." (Purport of Cc 1.9.25)

There is no basis in the Shastra to claim "only the process of lekhan"!
One more thought came to my mind:
If Bhaktiratna Sadhu really is convinced, that only lekhan has the power to come to trinad api sunichena, then he says also, that all his preaching before he found lekhan was wrong or at least partial wrong.
But I believe all he sayd about sravanam, kirtanam and smaranam was perfect right and Lekhan is just a partial combination of the nine processes of bhakti.
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