The Cause of Krishna's Immeasurable Pleasure - Nitai Bhakti
A few articles in English language
(By Nitaisevika Dasi)
No one apart from His beloved boro bhai Nitai is more dear to Krishnachandra’s heart.
sarva-rūpe āsvādaye kṛṣṇa-sevānanda sei balarāma — gaura-saṅge nityānanda
In all the forms He tastes the transcendental bliss of serving Kṛṣṇa. That same Balarāma is Lord Nityānanda, the companion of Lord Gaurasundara.
(CC Ādi 5.11)
Krishna loves all his dear servants more than His very own life, then who can imagine how much He must love the one who is the greatest servant of all? Whose devotional service is matchless, incomparable? Indeed to conceive how dear Lord Nityananda is to Lord Krishna is unfathomable.
Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu Himself, who is none other than that very same Kanhai, declares this undeniable truth in the following verse.
krishnera dvitiya—nityananda bai naai sangi, sakhaa, shayana, bhushana, bandhu, bhaai
Lord Nitai is the purna shakti of Krishna, His immediate expansion, and serves Him in all respects.There is no service to Krishna which does not pass through Nitai first, indeed He is the very cause and source of that service - Seva vigraha. The embodiment of devotional service. Nitai is the powerhouse of loving service unto the lotus feet Gaur Krishna.
Srila Vrindavan das Thakur, in His Nitaimay words, emphasizes this fact in his commentary in Chaitanya Bhagavat:
“No one except Lord Nityananda served the Lord as a companion, a friend, a brother, an umbrella, a bed, and a carrier. Lord Nityananda by His own will serves the Lord in various ways. If Lord Nityananda bestows mercy and qualification on anyone, then he can serve the Lord.”
So we can conclude that all the relationships, sambandhas, which Krishna has is first established with Nitai and then others. So Nitai is not only the source of all devotional service executed by the jivas, He is also the source of their connection with Gaur Krishna.
This is why Nitai is the ultimate reservoir of all rasas for Krishna, because the sambandha which the eternal jivas have with Krishna is established through Nitai first. Krishna is defeated and completely conquered by Nitai’s love, and thus all His loving relationships pass through Him. So it is actually an indisputable fact that the jiva’s direct relation with Gaur Krishna is through Nityananda Balaram only. We are connected with Gauranga Krishna because of our connection with Him (Nitai).
Thus, Nitai is also the only way we will be able to regain our original position and return to the spiritual world to Krishna.This is another reason why sambandha gyan is awakened by Nitai’s mercy only. Without Nitai, it is IMPOSSIBLE to enter into the divine pastimes of Gauranga Krishna in Goloka. Therefore our only hope in this life is to first establish our relationship with Nitaichandra (se sambandha nahi jara britha janma gel taar), and that is done very easily by Nitai Vayulekhan along with the other Nitai bhakti limbs.