More power by a combination of 3 processes? - Nitai-Bhakti

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More power by a combination of 3 processes?

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A common claim
Nitai-vayulekhan is not simply one process, but a combination of 3 potent processes!

Yes, that's right, it is a combination of 3 potent processes.
But still, here I must quote Srila Prabhupada, who clearly says that each process of bhakti has exactly the same potency:
"Therefore whether one hears, chants, remembers or worships, his activities will yield the same result. Which one of these processes will be the most suitable for a particular devotee depends upon his taste."
(Purport of Cc 1.9.25)

To claim, that Nitai-Vayulekhan is more potent than the other processes of bhakti, must be wrong. Because every single process or every combination of them possesses the very same power of Lord Nitai!
The shastras are actually full with hints about this reality of the holy name, and also Srila Nitaipresthji has preached this truth for many many years, before he introduced Nitai-Vayulekhan.

To encourage people for Nitai-Bhakti with Nitais name in the center is very beneficial.
But to discourage other devotees - who feel more attachment for chanting or remembering the holy name of Nitai - with the claim, that a certain combination (in the form of Nitai-vayulekhan) has more power than anything else, is not at all helpful.

Also another important question could arise here:
"Why should the combination in Vayulekhan be more powerful than the combination of Sravanam-Kirtanam-Smaranam (hearing, chanting, remembering)?"
I agree with this question!
Why one combination of 3 processes should be bether than another combination of 3 processes?

The shastras and also our Guru-parampara go clearly with Srila Prabhupadas words:
"Therefore whether one hears, chants, remembers or worships, his activities will yield the same result."
(Purport of Cc 1.9.25)

We have nine major processes of bhakti and each one or each combination of them is SAME powerful and SAME merciful!

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